Since I love lists, I figured it would be easiest to explain the 1+ year absence with a modified Top Ten List, so here goes:
10+ hours a day spent with twins. I guess I could stop there because really that's my #1 reason, but here are 9 more...
9 days away from them the entire year and I'm sorry but Paris and San Francisco are a lot more fun than blogging.
8 knitting projects currently ongoing or in the queue. By the time bedtime for the duo rolls around I am ready to veg on the couch, knit and watch...see #3.
7 days a week of non-stop toddler action.
6 meals a day to cook/prepare. Really only 3, but I need to fill #6 and if my math is correct 2 kids X 3 meals = 6!!!
5 -- oops forgot those 5 days in Key West with the girls, but who's counting the days away when you're spending 351 days WITH the kids.
4 little feet pitter pattering around my house, up and down the stairs...10+ hours a day. I don't want them getting into things they shouldn't, now do I?
3 hours of Reality TV a night. Between the 10 hours of American Idol on TV each week, the Project Runways and the Laguna Beaches (did I mention that I love America's Next Top Model) who has time to blog?
2 CRAZY toddlers
1 business-traveling husband
This post makes it sound like I don't love every moment with my kids and the truth is I don't. Wow, can't be THAT honest! Really, they are amazing and funny and cute and sweet, but they are also challenging, frustrating and irritating, too. I guess that's two 2-year olds for you, right?