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August 16, 2006



hey...I read it! And I've never heard of the T-shot, but might have to try it. In fact, DH and I BOTH might have to try it. The twins are 6 months and we still haven't got back into the swing of things. Neither one of us has.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah

I wonder if that works even if it is other medication that is destroying my libido.

Hmmmm. I'll have to talk to my GYN about this.

(and thanks for the shout out)


OH boy do I know how you feel! My twins are 14 months now and still no go!! I've got four kids now and that's enough.... any cosy time might lead to more kids so.... it's no go for now!!
Besides, I'm still sooooooo tired! Does twins get any easier??!!

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