For about two weeks our house has been in total chaos. It started with Mia. That adventurous, little bug figured out how to climb over the top of her crib and propel herself into her brother's crib like a rocketship. The first time she did it we found them both quietly sleeping TOGETHER 3 hours after we put them to bed apart. See the proof.
I know this seems cute and all and Brian and I spent that night staring in awe at our beautiful, sweet, little creations. Then the REAL climbing began.
First 10x each a night, then 20x, then 30x...EACH. Plus, they were waking at the crack of dawn and tearing through their room -- the drawers, the closet and anything else that was not nailed down. And then there was the ranting and raving and kicking and screaming and crying. Mine, not theirs. Obviously, my tactics were not working. For me, it was truly the worst 2 weeks of their life since the first 6 months had passed us by. Who said it gets easier?? I was so stressed out and anxious, worried for their safety, and about to ask my doctor for that Paxil prescription she kept trying to push on me.
I asked advice from friends and got an earful. "Put them in toddler beds!" "Forget the toddler beds, just go to crib mattresses on the floor." "Skip all that and put them in twin beds." "Pad their room and create a jail cell." All of this seemed a little drastic or too premature. I was not ready for my 27 month olds to be tearing up their rooms or worse, the house.
And then there was that camp that suggested crib tents. I didn't want to use them, quite frankly. I was afraid it would stifle their independence, cage them in, scare them, make them hate the beds they love. And then there was that day with no naps and the previous night of climbing 30x EACH and I was exhausted and they were exhausted and I said, "THAT'S IT!" (Anybody's kids read The Pigeon and the Hot Dog?)
Off we went to the big baby store and within 2 hours those crib tents were up and ready to be tested. When Brian got home he said, "WOW, it must have been REALLY bad for you to do that on your own!"
That night was a little bumpy with them crying and me wondering if I had made a terrible mistake. But the next day was better and the next even more so. And then a wonderful thing happened. Alex started ASKING to be zipped up ("zip up, Mommy!). Mia still doesn't like to be zipped at night so we leave her tent open and she doesn't climb. At our bedtime we zip hers and voila, my good sleepers and late wakers are back.
So, if you're considering a crib tent, but aren't sure I'm here to tell you that they are well worth the investment. For their safety and, most importantly, for your sanity.
I dread the day that mine figure out that they can climb out.
I know they are old enough for toddler beds, but I want to put it off for as long as possible. I like them trapped. I still have a slight amount of control this way.
Posted by: Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah | August 14, 2006 at 04:07 PM