Mia growls, grunts and squeals, but up until recently she didn't really "speak." Over the past 11 months we've heard lots of grrrrrrrrrrssssssss, uh-uh-uhhhhhhhhhs and AAAAAA-EEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYS, but not a lot of babbling of consonants.
Being a first-time mom, I started to grow worried when I read ON THE INTERNET (why do I do that?) that 75% of babies are babbling consonants by 10 months. So, I did what any first-time mom would do and called the pediatrician. I tried to sound all casual about it, starting out by saying, "OK, I know she's going to talk by the time she goes to college, but..." Being the great pediatrician that she is, she assured me that Mia is still well within the NORMAL range. I know she's normal, but it is still nice to hear. We agreed that if by 1 year she wasn't babbling consonants we would get a referral to a speech therapist.
Looks like we won't need that referral after all. This weekend, not only did Mia speak, but now she WON'T SHUT UP. All of a sudden she is all "bwa-bwa-bwaaaaaaaaa!" and "ba-ba-ba!" and "bla-bla-bla!"
When she starts talking back I'm sure I'll wish she never started talking in the first place, but for now this is the milestone I've been the most excited about.