But if I did believe in New Years’ Resolutions, this is what my Top Ten list would look like.
10) Get a healthier diet. HA! I’m already working on this one as we have an appointment with a nutritionist in mid-January.
9) Get rid of the 15 baby pounds that were supposed to vanish as I breastfed for 7 FUCKING MONTHS.
8) Get back into my exercise routine, including yoga, which I miss desperately. I don’t miss the gym, but it’s a necessary evil.
7) Get away WITHOUT the twins and WITH my hubby.
6) Get away WITHOUT the twins and WITHOUT the hubby.
5) Get some more patience.
4) Get organized as I am a clutter-bug, car key-losing, pile-making SLOB.
3) Get back to work and actually make some $$ selling some freakin’ houses in the BEST real estate market in the free world.
2) Get laid more often*. My hubby IS a saint, even if he doesn’t believe in saints.
1) Get a life and stop making New Years’ Resolutions.
*This one won’t be that difficult, considering last year we only did it 5 times. Yes, 5 times! Why, you ask? Well, because I am a beeyotch and I had the pregnancy from hell.