10. It's easier.
9. I'm emotionally attached to it. Is that pathetic?
8. When it's just me and my baby peacefully nursing at night it's a wonderful bonding experience.
7. Sometimes nothing else will calm him down.
6. Going back to a 32A...I'm so vain!
5. It's good for him.
4. No matter where you go, you’ve got a food source. Also known as the You-Can-Take-Your-Boob-With-You reason.
3. When he's sick it comforts him.
2. These might be my last babies and, therefore, last opportunity to breastfeed my child.
and the #1 reason: Did I mention it's just easier?
It’s too late, unfortunately, as I didn’t decide I wasn’t ready to wean until I was down to 2 feedings a day. I am very conflicted with my decision. You might say, "You don't have to give it up, you CHOSE to!," but it's still tough. My Top 10...a healthy mix of good reasons and selfish reasons, but alas we are close to done.
I am only nursing my son, as B just never really got it. Once I've actually weaned him, which is taking longer because I just keep doing these random late-night or tantrum-induced nursings, I think I will be happy with my decision, but for now I am just sad.